A Stay Of Vacation

This was not the post I was hoping to make.

The post I was hoping to make involved me sitting at a desk in a Copenhagen AirBnB, penning a somewhat melodramatic tribute to my loved ones back in Perth, Australia. Alas, the best-laid plans of mice and men.

That actually isn’t to say that my plans were particularly well-laid. My anticipated one-year trip to Denmark banked on two tenuous assumptions:

1. That my working holiday visa decision, though predicted by all offical channels consulted to be returned to me three months after submission, might come a little earlier, and;

2. If (1) did not transpire, I would be perfectly happy to exist in limbo in Copenhagen while the judgement was made.

This was not very prudent of me. Bureaucratic processes, as a rule, arrive at their destinations later than sooner. And although I am embarking on a so-called adventure, I’m well aware that I’m far too neurotic to take a risk on something that could have such inconvenient consequences.

Is the Danish government going to reject my visa application? Unlikely.
Will I obsess over the possibility the entire waiting period? Undoubtedly.

Hindsight is 20/20, as usual. I’ll see you in January, Denmark. C’est la vie.

For now, I’ll enjoy the Australian summer, and the unexpected but not unwelcome quality time with the aforementioned loved ones, who probably prefer my presence to a heartfelt blog post written in absence.

In lieu of a farewell, please have these photos I took at Herdsman Lake last weekend.